marți, 1 ianuarie 2013

The Legend of The Rocking Chair

 Again, I do not own this story

Everyone assumed that this was a prank by the camp counselors. However, most campers were shaken up about it anyways.
"Hey, Andrew, I dare you to sleep in that chair tonight," said Drake, with a devious smile.
"You're out of your friggin' mind! Even if it isn't haunted or whatever, I don't want any animals eating me!" Andrew said with a nervous laugh.
"Come on! Do it. Chicken." Three or four campers began to chant, "Do it, do it, do it." Eventually Andrew caved in and agreed to the dare.
Later that night when all of the camp counselors where sleeping in their tents, and only the crickets could be heard, Andrew snuck out of his tent and walked to the rocking chair. He thought to himself... It seemed to take hours to walk to a rocking chair that was only up the hill. The creaking of the chair seemed to be deafeningly loud, creak after creak. There was no wind so why was the chair rocking? Surely there's a logical reason why. Oh well...
Andrew reached the chair and planted himself in it. The chair creaked louder than anything, everything else seemed to be silent, even the crickets were hushed. Andrew sat there in the complete silence. Every detail of the night seemed to become more creepy by the second. The trees stared at him with faces of anger and sorrow. The grass swayed in his direction, as if it were trying to get to him. Andrew was scared out of his mind, but stood his ground, and he finally felt sleepy. "Here we go..." He drifted to sleep.
Andrew dreamed. There was a man. Sitting in a rocking chair in his cottage. He appeared to be reading a book. A sound of glass shattering rang out.The man just sat there, as if he didn't hear the glass shatter. A figure appeared in the doorway, a tall dark figure blending in the darkness of the other room. The figure walked forward. It was horrible, a tall man in a sleek business suit...he was so thin, it appeared he hadn't eaten in months. His eyes were dark red, the color of blood, and his face was a face of pure evil. He slowly walked behind the man. The man sat there completely oblivious of the demon behind him. Suddenly, the figure grabbed the man by the neck and shoved his arm down the man's throat. he pulled out a mysterious blue light. A terrifying voice came forth from the looming figure.
"Finally... The key... Your soul, old man, will stay within this chair forever. You are to steal the souls of mortals to add to my... Collection." The figure gave a large, evil smile. He threw a marble on the ground and everything was gone. The house, the man, the figure, everything... Except the rocking chair. Everything faded to black. The rest of the night was dreamless.
The morning was foggy, but bright. The sun pounded down on the earth while the foggy clouds blurred Andrew's vision. 'Looks like I survived the night,' he thought to himself. He got up and headed to his camp, the tents were there and a fire was burning in the middle of the site. But it was silent. Andrew entered his friends tents and found them empty. Confused, he assumed everyone would be back soon. But then, he saw some movement inside of a tent on the other side of the fire.
"Hello...?" No one answered. He walked to the other side and into the tent, in the middle of it was a chair. Someone was sitting in it.
"H-hello?" No answer for about a minute until...
"Hello Andrew," said a gravely voice. "You should have stayed in your tent. Now you have to be punished."
"What do you mean?"
"You have to be punished."
The chair spun around. It was the man Andrew saw in his dream.

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