marți, 1 ianuarie 2013

Morgan's Corner

 I do not own this story
 My boyfriend Steven and I said our goodbyes, and we got into his car ready to leave the party. It was about 11 o'clock at night and pitch black outside—so dark you could hardly see your hand 3 inches from your face. It was rather chilly that night, for it was the beginning of spring still yet. Wind blowing ferociously, trees swaying, crashing their leaves into others. We were about 20 miles away from town, on the overgrown low populated area just outward.
Often through the blackness we were encountered with a sudden turn, threatening to throw us off of the road into nearby trees. Fortuitously we survived those turns—but just 10 miles away from town our car ran out of gas. We were still rather far away, with no houses or manmade structures anywhere within a 2 mile radius. It reminded me of a jungle. Steven pulled the car to the side of the road. Neither of us owned cellular phones at the time, and we were in need of help.
"I saw a gas station just a mile back. I'll be right back." He said, pulling himself out of the car. I was concerned about him—and I'm sure he felt the same about me.
"Are you sure you'll be okay? It's dark, and who knows what kind of things are out there. Let me come with you." The next words he told me would replay in my head for the rest of my life.

"Sheri. Whatever you do, don't leave the car."

"But-" I attempted to reply.
"Don't leave the car." He said again even more stern than the first time. His eyes locked on mine coldly for a few seconds, so I decided maybe it would be better if I was obedient.
My mind began to change as time went by. 30 minutes. An hour passed by still with no sign of him. The atmosphere I was in was so very eerie- Wind whistling, trees all around hiding who-knows-what in the darkness behind. About an hour and a half since he left, I began to hear a noise—like something was just barely tapping the roof.

"Tap… Tap… Tap…" I was at the same time curious and frightened to see what it was, but my beloved boyfriend's voice echoed in my mind. "Whatever you do, don't leave the car."

I decided to wait until morning and try to get some sleep, but I wasn't sure how much I could get with that noise coming from the roof. Soon enough though, I drifted off without even realizing it...
In the morning I saw thatmy boyfriend still wasn't back yet- My mind was racing with thoughts of what may have happened to him. I noticed that the tapping hadn't stopped, and since it was daytime I decided to disregard what my boyfriend had said and go outside.
I would live to this day regretting not listening to him.
As I stepped outside and turned around to shut the car door, my jaw dropped at the sight which I saw. I saw my boyfriend hanging upside down- his legs were tied to vines from a tree that was right next to the road. His entire stomach was cut open, forming a pool of blood on the roof of the car. And his hands… His hands were just barely touching the roof—making the slightest

"Tap… Tap… Tap…"

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